Il Centro di ricerche sismologiche all'adunata degli Alpini 2023

From May 11 to 14 we will be present at the Alpine Citadel of Udine in Moretti Park to present the research activities of our seismological research center

Laura Bassi

Si svolgerà l'8 maggio la giornata di studio organizzata dall’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS con la Capitaneria di Porto di Trieste e l’Università degli Studi di Udine


A multidisciplinary study, to which the OGS also contributed, has identified the most vulnerable areas in the present and in future scenarios

Rotta della rompighiaccio Laura Bassi

After more than 12,000 miles and 40 days sailing from the port of Lyttelton in Italy, the icebreaker Laura Bassi arrived today in the port of Ravenna

icap atene

The exchange of best practises for the development of an international master is the aim of the project. The OGS is one of the partners with its Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Economy, which was recently presented in Athens

Giornata mondiale dell'acqua

World Water Day is held annually on 22 March, an anniversary established by the United Nations with the aim of making institutions, citizens and stakeholders aware of the value of this precious resource. This year's edition is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. On


A new study led by OGS identifies key areas for reconstructing the evolution of the ice sheet through deep drilling

Kick off meeting del progetto TeRABIT

The project managed by INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, OGS, the GARR consortium and CINECA and funded by PNRR officially starts

Terremoto del centro Italia del 2016 - copyright Diego Bianchi

Thank you to a new method called "Damage Assessment for Rapid Response - DARR", developed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS and the University of Trieste, it is possible to quickly estimate the expected damage to buildings thanks to earthquake records and

EMODnet Chemistry Stakeholder Consultation

The EMODnet Chemistry Stakeholder Consultation, a hybrid event organised by the OGS National Oceanographic Data Centre, was held in Trieste