The new podcast "Com'era dov'era" about the Friuli earthquake has been presented
The new podcast "Com'era dove'era" will be presented on Wednesday 29 January at 5.30pm in Udine, at the headquarters of the Seismological Research Center in via Treviso, which tells the story of the journey through the remains of the earthquake in Friuli in '76.
The podcast is an investigation in search of the still visible traces of the earthquakes in Friuli in 1976, produced by Artifragili with the support of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and thanks to the collaboration of the researchers of the OGS.
It is available on the main podcast platforms, such as Spotify - link
The project is produced by Artifragili and financed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region as part of the Call for Events and Manifestations for the promotion of historical and ethnographic culture.
The partners of the project are: OGS Seismological Research Centre, Association of Earthquake Victims and Mayors of the Reconstruction of Friuli, Tiere Motus, Miela Bonawentura Theater and Cineteca del Friuli. We thank the municipality of Venzone and the municipality of Artegna, the Pro Loco Pro Venzone and the Amis of Sant Roc for their precious collaboration.