Sustainable blue growth is the main topic of the 5th edition of the OGS Master

The fifth edition of the Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Growth is starting. The Master is an international and multidisciplinary advanced training course to develop work skills in the sustainable blue economy sector: from marine biology to energy, from ports to fishing, from coastal management to maritime policies.

Jointly organized by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS and the University of Trieste, the II level Master will see the participation of 23 students working in various sectors, including biology, engineering and architecture, coming from ten countries: Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Cyprus, Bosnia Herzegovina, France, Italy, Albania, Kuwait.

The educational path is aimed at professionals and researchers, and it's developed in three intensive sessions in March, June and September. The first session of the Master will take place online, but, if the Covid-19 contagion prevention measures allow it, the following ones will be in Trieste.

More than 50 teachers from OGS and UniTS will contribute to the training, as well as some speakers from other Italian and international universities and institutions. The Master is part of the Blue Skills project which received the Union for the Mediterranean label and won the first WestMED Award in 2021 as a concrete and effective example of Science Diplomacy for the Mediterranean region.