On September 11, at 11:00, at Meeting room - Via Piccard,54 - OGS - Santa Croce, prof. Gerhard Herndl (Department of Marine Biology - University of Vienna) will present the seminar: "Microbes, marine snow and carbon cycling in the deep ocean: old enigmas and recent developments". Link: http:/

From August 25 to 27 in Veli Lošinj (Croatia) will take place a workshop on "Status and Future of the Geothermal Energy in the Peri-Adriatic Area". The purpose of the workshop (open to all interested persons) is to convene research institutions, public administrations, professionals, operators

Art or science? When truth meets beauty, now in its fifth edition, is a photo contest unveiling the beauty of science and research, organized by the University of Trieste and the Science Centre Immaginario Scientifico. In addition to encouraging new possible forms of creativity, the contest is a

OGS is taking part in the BRITICE-CHRONO campaign of the r/v James Cook, from 16 July to 25 August. OGS researcher Daniel Praeg is aboard for the first leg of the campaign, which will sail from Southampton to circumnavigate the island of Ireland, investigating submerged glacial landscapes in the

On July 23, at 11:00, at seminar room "Antonio Michelato", building "Ferruccio Mosetti" - OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, Marco Milazzo (Università di Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare) will present the seminar: "Vermetid reefs in the warm temperate Mediterranean Sea: a threatened

On July 7, at 10:00, at seminar room "Antonio Michelato", building "Ferruccio Mosetti" - OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, Dr. Fausto Ferraccioli (British Antarctic Survey) will present the seminar: : "Esplorazione aerogeofisica in Antartide" Link: http://nettuno.ogs.trieste.it/jungo/caffe_scientifico/en

Monday 7th of July 2014 a Regional Stakeholder Workshop of the ADRIPLAN project, co-organized by CNR, FVG Region and OGS will be held in Trieste, Italy. The workshop will be organized in cooperation with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and OGS aiming at presenting the ADRIPLAN Initial Assessment

On June 24 at 11.00, at seminar room "Antonio Michelato", building E, Renzo Mosetti will present the DG MARE "ADRIPLAN Project" on Marine Spatial Planning and Blue Growth.

On July 22, at 11:00, at seminar room "Antonio Michelato", building "Ferruccio Mosetti" - OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, Nicoletta Tambroni (Università di Genova) will present the seminar: : "A one-dimensional eco-geomorphic model of marsh response to sea level rise: Wind effects, dynamics of the marsh

OGS - National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics is taking part at the meeting of Wednesday, June 11th " Beyond the Arctic Circle - Italian Day in Tromsø " to highlight the Italian presence in the Arctic region of Norway with a live coverage from the ship GO SARS. The event