Technological innovation for the protection and enhancement of marine ecosystems

ITEM is a project funded by Ministero dell'istruzione, dell'università e della ricerca - MIUR (now Ministero dell'università e della ricerca - MUR) at the same time as the constitution and launch of the BIG National Cluster. The project lasts three years (2019-2022) and involves public and private representatives of the national marine-maritime research community (CNR, CoNISMa, INGV, OGS, SZN, ENI, eGeos, Italbiotec). While BIG explores the opportunities offered by the marine environment in terms of economic growth, ITEM represents the ecological screening of the sustainability of the various initiatives. Environmental sustainability, in fact, involves all economic and social sectors, everyone must deal with it. ITEM proposes this ecosystem vision and aims to draw a roadmap to represent future challenges, referring to the EU Green Deal, to the Good Environmental Status indicators of the Marine Strategy, to Maritime Space and Coastal Planning, to the Mission Area Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters.


OGS role
OGS contact
Project type