Safe and sustainable food for all: an event about the food of the future takes place in Udine

Producing more, consuming less and improving the nutritional properties of food - these are the challenges of today's agriculture. This will be discussed on 23 February at 5 pm in Udine at a public event on "Science and Sustainable Food" in the auditorium of the Science and Technology Library of the University of Udine.

Speakers: Michele Morgante (Scientific Director of the Institute of Applied Genomics of the University of Udine and member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), Massimiliano Giansanti (National President of Confagricoltura), Matteo Lorito (Rector of Federico II University of Naples - National Centre for Agricultural Technologies - AGRITECH), Danilo Porro (Director of the Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology of the CNR - National Centre for the Future of Biodiversity), Peter McGrath (Coordinator of the Interacademy Partnership UNESCO /TWAS), Giovanni Carrosio (Professor of Environmental Sociology). Science journalist Beatrice Mautino will moderate the meeting.

The initiative is organised within the framework of the Trieste Laboratory on Quantitative Sustainability - TLQS, a project of the OGS and the Trieste International Foundation - FIT thanks to the collaboration with the University of Udine and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in partnership with the Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals (BPW Italy - FIDAPA).

The meeting will be streamed live at the following link:

The event in Udine follows an international workshop that brought together scientists and experts with different ambitions in Trieste on 22 and 23 February at the headquarters of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics Abdus Salam - ICTP.