The "Vademecum of the Gulf of Trieste"

A mini-guide to enjoy the sea without damaging it was presented during the event “Vivere il Golfo di Trieste”.

About 120 high school students of the I.S.I.S. Nautico "Tomaso di Savoia Duca di Genova" and “Liceo Scientifico Guglielmo Oberdan” joined the event, organized by Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia in collaboration with Capitaneria di Porto di Trieste, OGS and ARPA FVG.

The municipal councilor for safety, the maritime director of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the commander of Capitaneria di Porto di Trieste, the general directors of Arpa Fvg and OGS and the general secretary of  Autorità di sistema portuale del mare Adriatico Orientale, were among the speakers and talked about examples on how to preserve biodiversity and live the sea sustainably and safely.