Alessandra Giorgetti
Senior expert in marine data management, deputy director of Oceanography Section, since 2006 leading the Oceanographic Data Centre, the national UNESCO / IOC / IODE node, she works in support of open science, promoting the development of practices and tools allowing free and easy access to validated data and innovative products. National Delegate for the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange System of the IOC of UNESCO and elected member of the Board of Directors of the SeaDataNet Association. Since 2009 coordinator of the European network EMODnet Chemistry. Member of the Italian Oceanographic Commission, member of the technical groups of the European Commission / DG ENV / MSCG on on marine data (TG DATA), marine litter (TG ML) and contaminants, member of the EuroGOOS DATA Management Exchange and Quality working group and of the Joint EMODnet & CMEMS Marine In Situ Coordination Group.